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Useful expansions for MagicWB and MUI
Version 1.3 (August 1994)
Copyright © 1994 by Johannes Beigel
MagicExpansion is a package with lots of expansions for MagicWB by
Martin Huttenloher and MUI (MagicUserInterface) by Stefan Stuntz.
MagicExpansion ist GIFTWARE. That means you should send me a little
gift, if you use MagicExpansion (I prefer CDs/MCs/LPs with all kinds of
rock, techno, jazz or blues music :)
Address: Johannes Beigel
Fliederstr. 43a
65396 Walluf
Yes, you've read right. After version 1.2, which was Shareware, is
MagicExpansion 1.3 Giftware again. Users, who registered for
MagicExpansion 1.2 will still get the following versions of
Why Giftware again?
Mr. F.B. sent a comment to Internet in which he said how he dislikes
MagicExpansion. I must say, that he was right in several points. But I
don't guess that I violate the copyright, when I use parts of other
XEN-icons in my icons. I realized that only little people want to pay 10
bucks additionally to the MagicWB and MUI Shareware fee (The one who
still wants to send me money can do this - MagicExpansion is Giftware
now). Besides, the original XEN-MUI-brushes are deleted from the image
sets, the amount of icons gets bigger and the package grows and grows. I
think, *now*, nobody can say anything against MagicExpansion. I swear
that I drew the popXXX-images of 'Jojo_Black_11pt' and 'Jojo_Black_13pt'
*before* I saw the images of the set 'WD_13pt' of MUI 2.1.
The package contains icons, mouse pointers, palettes, patterns, MUI
brushes, C include file, char sets and a few documentation and picture
You may have noticed already some of the new icons of this version 1.3:
the small drawer and text file icons. If you open the drawer "Icons" you
will find many more icons. They are stored in different directories to
keep them in order.
The icons are drawn in XEN-style (MagicWB like icons). Some icons are
very small, some icons are bigger. Use the icons you prefer.
If you want to draw icons yourself you can use the icon templates on the
picture file "Templates.ilbm" in the "Pictures" drawer.
Mouse Pointers
NOTE: Users of ME 1.2 can skip this chapter since the mouse pointers
haven't changed.
In this package are several 4 and 8 color mouse pointers for OS 2.x
users. Of course OS 3.x users can use them, too, but the pointers were
drawn for lo-res sprites. All the mouse pointers use at least one color
for anti-aliasing. Since the resolution is very low you need
You'll find a few busy- (or sleepy-) pointers and -animations, too. They
can be used with the BusyPointer prefs editor from the NickPrefs package
which is included in the MagicWB package.
NOTE: If you want to use the bee (or its animation) as busy pointer you
have to use a mouse pointer that uses the color yellow because the busy
pointer uses the same colors as the normal mouse pointer. Otherwise you
will get a lilac bee or something like that :)
If you are an OS 2.x user and you want to use the 8 color pointers, you
can't load and save them with the Pointer prefs editor, since it
processes only 4 color sprites. So you have to copy the pointer you want
to use directly to "ENVARC:sys/pointer.ilbm" (or to
"ENV:sys/pointer.ilbm" if you only want to USE it):
Copy MagicExpansion/Pointers/XXX TO ENVARC:sys/pointer.ilbm
(You must replace XXX with the name of the mouse pointer.)
NOTE: Users of ME 1.2 can skip this part, too :-(
You got a few color palettes with this packages. These color palettes
should be alternatives to the original MagicWB palette. The palettes
exist as old-style OS 2.x ".pre" files and as OS 3.x ".ilbm" files. The
installation script will install the right palettes for you, so you
don't have to care about this.
The color palettes "OriginalPalette.pre" and "OriginalPalette.ilbm" are
the original MagicWB palettes.
There are a few background patterns in this package for the WBPicture
prefs editor of the NickPrefs package or for the WBPattern prefs editor
of OS 3.x and a few old-style window patterns for the WBPattern prefs
editor of OS 2.x.
The background patterns use the original MagicWB palette, so OS 2.x
users can use them immediatly without converting.
MUI Brushes
The package contains 6 sets of MUI brushes (so called "MUI image sets"):
"Jojo_Blue_13pt" and
The image sets should be used with a 11 or 13 pixel font.
The image set "Jojo_Black_11pt" contains images for arrows, all kinds of
popup objects, checkmarks, radio buttons, cycle gadgets, the assign and
network symbols and the tape pause symbol.
The other sets only contain the images which are different to the images
in "Jojo_Black_11pt". Except of the tape pause, assign and network
images, all images look like XEN-buttons (button gadgets with XEN
frames). The tape pause symbol contains simply two vertical bars instead
of one.
If you want the images to look best, do the following:
- Use a screen with at least 8 colors and a width similar to the height
(e.g. 640x512).
- Use the MagicWB color palette (or a color palette of this package :)
- Use a 11 or 13 pixel font for screen text (The best font is Martin's
- Start the MUI prefs editor.
- Chose "XEN Lo" or "XEN Hi" from the "Edit/Presets" sub menu.
- Change the images to the images in "Jojo_Black_..", "Jojo_3D_..",
"Jojo_Outline_.." or "Jojo_Blue.." (page "Images").
- If you don't have MagicWB (Why do you have MagicExpansion??) change
the font names from "XHelvetica" to "helvetica" (page "Fonts").
You'll find an ILBM format picture file called "JojoMBrKit.ilbm" in the
"Pictures" drawer. This picture conatins all the images of the sets. You
can use this file as model for your own MUI brushes.
C Include File
The include file conatins some useful macro definitions for shorter and
nicer source code:
- New macros for adding/removing children to/from their parent objects.
- New gadget types: ...UInteger...(), ...SInteger...(), ...Note(),
KeyPopupButton(), ...ToggleButton(), ...Note(), Number() and Text()
- New label type ...CLabel() for centered labels
- New spacing macros: HBar, VBar, HBarFixed(), VBarFixed()
- "Wt" version for some gadget macros (additional weight argument)
- New Slider-macros: ...VSlider(), Quiet...Slider()
If you want to use the ...Integer...() or ...Note() macros of the
include file, you have to insert the following code before the first
macro call:
TEXT acceptSNumbers[] = ACCEPTSNUMBERS; /* For ..SInteger...() */
TEXT acceptUNumbers[] = ACCEPTUNUMBERS; /* For ..UInteger...() */
TEXT acceptNotes[] = ACCEPTNOTES; /* For ....Note() */
I haven't inserted the lines in the include file because so you can load
the include file into GST files (with the SAS/C compiler) for example.
Char Sets
The package contains 4 color char sets. The char sets are ideal for your
own icon or background projects, bacause they use the MagicWB palette.
The following fonts are in the package:
- Helvetica/23
- Hevletica/23 plain
- Times/21
- Times/21 plain
The fonts don't exist as normal color fonts but every char exists as a
single IFF/ILBM brush. The reason is, that I haven't got a tool to
convert brushes to fonts. I would know a tool, but this tool is
Shareware and it's so bad that I won't pay the shareawre fee. If you
have written such a program or if you know a nice tool (which has a MUI
GUI :) it would be nice, if you tell me its name or if you send it to me
on disk.
NOTE: You need the Commodore Installer to install the package. The
Installer is included in many commercial software packages and in the
MUI package.
To install simply double-click one of the icons in the "Install" drawer.
Since you read the English documentation you will probably use the
script "Install_ME13_English". After that you should do what the script
tells you.
The script won't install any icons so you have to update your old icons
by hand. If you want to preserve position and tooltypes use "IconUpdate"
from MagicWB or the tool "MUI_IconUpdate" (Freeware) which does the same
job but has a MUI GUI. (Re)Read the MagicWB documentation for the usage
of "IconUpdate".
MagicExpansion is copyright © 1994 by Johannes Beigel. The package is
Giftware (see chapter Introduction for details).
You are allowed to spread MagicExpansion all over the world using email,
disks, CD-Rom or any other medium but you must spread the *whole*
package. You should use the original ".lha" file called
You aren't allowed to take more than DM 5,- or US$ 5,- for it (including
disk and copying costs but not the postage).
If you want to include files from this package into non-commercial
software (Shareware, Freeware, Giftware, Crippleware, ...) you have to
send the product to me (address see chapter Introduction).
If you want to include this package (or parts of it) into a commercial
product you *have* to contact me.
I want to thank the following persons:
- Stefan Stuntz for his MagicUserInterface. I think this is the best
Amiga software product since years!
- Martin Huttenloher and all the other painters for their MagicWB icons
and backgrounds.
- ICP-Verlag (AmigaPlus) and Cloanto for "PersonalPaint 2.1" with which
all icons, brushes, palettes, patterns, char sets and pointers
were made.
- All MUI programmers who make MUI more and more popular.
- Martin Schulze fpr everything